False Context


  • The ice cream in the photo was produced by a patisserie named Maddy’s operating in the Netherlands.
  • The product was made specifically for a one-time carnival in 2016.
  • Although the ice cream was produced to be displayed in the showcase during the event, it was removed from the showcase upon the guidance of the health authorities.
  • As a result, the paracetamol-infused ice cream, which was specially made for the carnival, was displayed in the showcase but was not sold.

Claim Spread

We often come across absurd posts on social media. In the past, there were times when a social media post claimed that ice cream containing paracetamol was produced in the Netherlands, a claim that has gained interaction again in recent days.

The same claim reappeared in 2019 and circulated widely on social media.

We investigated these posts.


We start by searching the image from the shared claim through search engines and find several news articles from 2016. According to the news site BN DeStem, the ice cream was made for a carnival.

On the other hand, news sources also mention that the person who took the photograph was Jan Nagelkerke. When we investigate further based on this, we find that Jan Nagelkerke is the owner of Maddy’s patisserie, which produced the paracetamol-infused ice cream.

The ice cream was made once for a carnival.

The owner of the bakery, who spoke to the news channel BN DeStem about the product, mentioned that the 6-liter ice cream contained 20 painkiller pills and a bit of lemon juice for flavor, and that only the producers had tasted it. However, Jan Nagelkerke remarked, ‘I threw away the rest of the ice cream; it definitely wasn’t one of my best.’ He also said that this ice cream wasn’t intended for consumption and that they thought the ice cream they made could be a fun joke for the carnival. Moreover, based on the comments on their Facebook post, Jan started to think that mixing medicine into ice cream might be illegal, prompting him to consult with health authorities. After the consultation, he learned that making ice cream with medicine was indeed illegal, and they removed it from the display.

In another news article from February 4, 2016, it’s possible to access a statement from the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority regarding the sale of ice cream containing paracetamol. The statement clarified that such ice cream could not be sold, and if it contained a high amount of paracetamol, authorization would be required for its use. On the other hand, if it contained only a small amount, it would still be considered a novel food, requiring approval from the European Commission.

When we conduct a search using the name we obtained, we find the Facebook post. This shows that the photo was posted on the page of Maddy’s bakery on February 4, 2016.

The caption of the post reads, “A world first!!! Paracetamol ice cream. It’s delightful and refreshing, and it helps with hangovers during the carnival. (It’s on display, but of course, we don’t sell this ice cream. We just want to get you excited for the next 5 days of carnival! Have fun, everyone!)” This evidence suggests that the ice cream was made entirely for entertainment purposes and displayed at the carnival.

Paracetamol is a painkiller and fever reducer, and it’s an active ingredient in cold and flu medications. This substance is used in pain relief medecine like Tylenol, Calpol, and Minoset.

As a result, the claim that ice cream containing paracetamol is sold in the Netherlands does not reflect the truth. This ice cream was produced by the pastry shop named Maddey’s for entertainment purposes during the carnival held in February 2016. Sources state that the ice cream produced was displayed in the showcase but was not sold.

Dispute this result


  • carnival
  • ice cream
  • medicine
  • Netherlands
  • paracetamol

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