
Ethical Standards

Non-partisanship and impartiality
  • Doğrula is editorially free and politically independent.
  • It does not support or advise voting for any political party or candidates for public office.
  • Does not make any agreement or partnership with a political party and does not engage in other public relations or similar activities that may cast a shadow on the independence and impartiality of the operation.
  • org does not focus on a particular political party or one side of the political spectrum when making its analyses.
  • Doğrula.org does not employ people who hold a salaried and/or important position in a political party, government, state, or public company under the direct control of a political party or government.
  • Publications explicitly address any conflicts of interest or political bias, including experts or organizations cited as sources.
  • It has internal policies preventing employees from making partisan statements on behalf of the operation or organization, with procedures for action if such statements are made.
  • It has internal policies preventing employees from accepting gifts, favors, or services with advantageous conditions that go beyond common social and courtesy norms in a professional context.
Error Correction Policy
  • If the original publication in which the error was made is not editable, it publishes the correction in the same format and channel as the original.
  • If an error is significant, meaning that it fundamentally alters the results of the investigation or is a clear deviation from the methodology and policies of the operation, the correction note includes an explanation of the conditions that led to the error in addition to accurate information.
  • If new information is added to a publication, it is indicated with an update note in the same publication.
Privacy and Security
  • Doğrula; Conceals the image and/or identity of subjects of an investigation when there is a reasonable concern for their safety.
  • Measures are taken to avoid unnecessary public exposure of the source or identity of disinformation content created by users.
  • When discussing or specifying minors or revealing identities, it is restrictive, respectful, and considerate, making an effort to protect their privacy.
  • Any personal information that could lead to harassment of people is anonymized (e.g., partially concealing phone numbers, IDs or passports, bank account numbers, email addresses, etc.).
  • Where appropriate and possible, any person or entity that is the source of a false claim and/or is the subject of significant criticism or allegations has a right of reply.